Here a few resources related to vaccinations. Please contact us if you have any questions about any of this information.
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10 Reasons To Get Vaccinated
In general we are great at protecting our little ones but we often forget about ourselves. Adult vaccinations are intended for all adults but for those who work in the healthcare setting it is imperative to stay up to date on vaccinations. Please choose to stay up to date on vaccinations, if not for your own protection, for the protection of the immunocompromised patients you care for every day. We hope you find this site helpful. Take this quiz to determine if you are behind on vaccinations.
Click here to access this CDC resource.
Influenza Vaccination Toolkit
The Department of Health and Human Services' National Vaccine Program Office has developed a influenza vaccination toolkit for long-term care employers.
Click here to access this CDC resource.
Flu Shot Information
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services created this flu infographic to help answer some of the most common flu shot questions. They encourage everyone 6 months of age and older to get the flu vaccine as it's your best protection against seasonal flu.
Click here to get the infographic.
Flu Shot Myths Debunked
You will get the flu from the flu vaccine
The flu vaccine contains inactive and non-infectious influenza viruses. Some people experience side effects that feel similar to flu symptoms such as aches, a mild fever or soreness at the injection site but the side effects are not a result of the contracting the flu from the vaccine. It takes about two weeks for the vaccination to take effect. It may be possible to contract the flu before the vaccine begins to work. However, keep in mind, the flu vaccine contains three to four of the most common strain of the season, so it is possible to get the flu from a strain that is not covered by the vaccine.
If you have an egg allergy, you should not get a flu shot
The traditional flu vaccine is grown inside chicken eggs. If you've experienced a severe allergic reaction to eggs, such as anaphylaxis or vomiting, consult with your healthcare provider. An egg-free vaccine is now available and may be recommended. However, those with mild egg allergies may be administered the regular flu shot with precautions. Always inform the vaccine administrator of all allergies.
It’s better to get the flu than the flu vaccine
The flu can lead to severe complications, such as bronchitis or pneumonia, for high-risk groups (children, seniors and people with chronic health conditions) that may result in hospitalization and even death. According to the CDC, an estimated 90 percent of flu-related deaths and over 60 percent of flu hospitalizations occur in adults ages 65 and older. Getting the flu shot is the safer choice.
You don’t need to get the flu shot if you got one last year
The CDC recommends an annual flu vaccine for two major reasons: 1) To better protect against the most prevalent viruses, the flu strains used in the vaccine usually change from year to year. 2) Even if the strains have not changed, immune protection from the shot decreases over time – so you are better protected with an annual shot. Additionally, seniors may want to opt for a high-dose vaccine, because there is some evidence that immunity declines more quickly in older people.
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