Contact Information
Comprehensive Therapy Specialists (CTS) is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are currently licensed in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, North Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin. We also speak and participate in industry events throughout the country.
Comprehensive Therapy Specialists, LLC
1900 Pleasant Street Box #1914
Noblesville, IN 46060
(Phone) 317-507-8193
(Fax) 317-663-0879
"Pharmaceuticals are the most common medical intervention, and their potential for both help and harm is enormous. Ensuring that the American people get the most benefit from advances in pharmacology is a critical component of improving the national health care system." -- Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Science
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Interested in our consulting services?
Let's setup a time to meet and discuss how our medication therapy management tools will help your business succeed and offer the best service to your patients and residents. Please email our team or call us now to get started!
Would you like to have us speak at your event?
We often get requests for speaking engagements. We're thoroughly excited to speak about our passions and would love for you to contact us with your opportunities. To give you an idea of what we've done, click here to see a list of our recent presentations...
Please email our team if you're interested in having us speak at your event.
Interested in a consultation with our pharmacist?
If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may benefit from a consultation with a senior care pharmacist...
- Do you take more than five medications (including prescriptions, supplements or herbals)?
- Has your medication use changed more than three times in the past 12 months?
- Are you currently taking medications for three or more medical conditions?
- Do you sometimes forget to take your medications?
- Do you see more than one physician for your medical care?
- Do you know the intent of every medication you are taking?
- Do you use more than one pharmacy or have any of your medications mailed to your home?
Please email our team if you'd like to request more information about a consultation.
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